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Today, more than 93 million adult Americans are living with obesity. Many do not know obesity is a disease and that their healthcare provider can help them with weight loss and maintenance. Others do not have insurance coverage to help them pay for these healthcare options.

Liver Health Initiative is a proud Champion of National Obesity Care Week (NOCW) and believes that everyone should have access to obesity care that is not limited by a person’s size, weight or economic status. Having access to obesity care can lead to a more successful weight management journey.

The Annual National Obesity Care Week (NOCW) aims to improve access to comprehensive obesity care for everyone affected by obesity. Liver Health Initiative is proud to join the Campaign, which was founded by the Obesity Action Coalition (OAC), the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS), the Obesity Medicine Association (OMA), The Obesity Society (TOS) and Strategies to Overcome and Prevent Obesity Alliance (STOP).

All NOCW supporters strongly believe that:


  •  People with excess weight or obesity deserve access to care without barriers

  •  People with excess weight or obesity must be treated with dignity

  •  People with excess weight or obesity must be treated with respect


We need more voices – your voice – to reach our goal improving access to care. You can join us and pledge your support for access to care without barriers!

Additional information about National Obesity Care Week and ways to take ACTION, including information and resources, is available here


Liver Health Initiative joins National Obesity Care Week

to Support

Access to Care for Everyone Living with Obesity

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